Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Kid In Me...

Ok. Kids are so much fun. I knew living with my niece and nephew would be great, but seriously, this is fun! I chuckle to myself daily as I witness their goofy antics and funny phrases. Here's a list of some of my favorite observations...

-I get a "Hey, Auntie Erin!" every time I leave my "studio" in the basement and come up the stairs...whether it's the first thing in the morning or the 10th time I make the climb for the day...always a wave and a greeting, without fail.
-Kids' treasures are unbeatable. Just yesterday my head was adorned with these purple wildflowers picked while playing hide-and-seek. I also awoke to a slithery black, yellow, and red snake sitting outside my door this morning! Don't worry, he was two-dimensional and harmless, but cute as a button considering he was the crafty creation of my 5-year-old nephew.
-Kids can use "just because" to explain just about anything. Tonight for example, they found it considerably more fun to pour their strawberry yogurt smoothies onto spoons and slurp it up like medicine rather than to drink it from the bottle. Did it result in a large amount of the pink sticky liquid dribbled on the table? Of course! But it also resulted in several laughs, and heck, it was probably good for their hand-eye coordination! There are certainly times of exasperation as their moments of "just because" generally produce more work and cleanup for Mommy, but who doesn't wish they themselves could be carefree and silly like that on a regular basis?
-I've come to appreciate movies for adults. Don't get me wrong, kid movies are fantastic (I've recently become a fan of Nim's Island and Imagine That), but there are definitely those that have no plots and, let's face it, no actors with any real ability to act. Does cause one to be thankful for a movie with a little depth.
-Since we're on the topic of media, let's transition into books. Children's books are incredible! And it's a good thing because you often find yourself reading the same ones for several consecutive nights. I don't know what it is that causes them to pick the same George and Martha book for the 10th time in a row, but it makes for a great opportunity to practice accents. Haven't mastered the kiwi accent yet, but I'm working on it.
-Listening to kids play together is often hysterical. The things their little brains come up with is so creative. It always begins with "And pretend that..." to be followed up with "and then you say..." both phrases being repeated about 50 times in the course of a 10-minute play session.
-Last, but certainly not least, I've learned that conversation (at the dinner table or otherwise) is primarily focused on bodily functions and noises...always involving lots of giggling. And when passing gas has been labeled as a "fierce weapon," it makes it all the funnier!

The job search still continues...I had an interview today that went well, but it just doesn't feel like the right fit. It's a lengthy commute - the job really isn't what I'm looking for and, because of that, I'm not the employee the physician is looking for. It wouldn't be fair to him to pursue this when the job would just be a stepping stone for me. Prayers continue! I'm still trying to think outside the box with writing and baking, while at the same time finding something to pay the bills...............


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Erin,
    I know what you mean. Love the kids!
    How many grapes can you fit in your mouth?!?
